“We are moving up a gear this fall on electric cars,” declared the Minister of Transport to AFP, before a meeting with stakeholders in the sector.
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Enough to recharge the batteries. The government will mobilize an additional 200 million euros to accelerate the development of electric terminals in France, Transport Minister Clément Beaune announced to AFP on Friday October 27. During the day, the latter brings together stakeholders in the sector with the Minister of Energy Transition. “We’re moving up a gear this fall on electric cars”, declared Clément Beaune. He quotes “the acceleration of the deployment of terminals, the strengthening of the ecological bonus for the most modest, the arrival of social leasing for the middle classes and the simplification of retrofit”a change of engine to abandon thermal.
With 110,000 public terminals installed, a 4-fold increase in four years, people close to the minister say, France has started to catch up. The country, whose transport constitutes the leading sector emitting greenhouse gases (32% in 2022), is now the second best equipped country, behind the Netherlands and ahead of Germany. But only 10% of French terminals are fast-charging, mainly on motorway service areas, even though these devices are considered essential to convince motorists to give up the thermal engine.
Objective of 400,000 public terminals by 2030
President Emmanuel Macron has set a target of 400,000 public terminals by 2030. At the same time, the number of electric vehicles should increase tenfold, to reach 13 million, according to projections from Avere, a gathering of industrialists. of the sector. The new envelope of 200 million should make it possible to “support the development of fast charging stations” and installation in “three particular areas: collective residential, on-road terminals, and recharging for heavy goods vehicles”we specify in Clément Beaune’s office.
The tax credit for installing a home terminal must increase from 300 to 500 euros. At the same time, the ecological bonus granted to the most modest to buy an electric vehicle, currently 7,000 euros, will be “revalued” but “the figure has not yet been arbitrated”, affirms the cabinet. Finally, the decrees setting the rules for the social leasing system, allowing the poorest to access electricity for 100 euros per month, “will be published in the coming days.”