The zero-interest loan for new housing will thus be accessible to 1.8 million additional people, according to the government.
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What “respond to the housing crisis” ? The government has proposed reclassifying more than 800 municipalities into “tense area”, Friday 22 March. The list of reclassified municipalities must be made public in June.
This modification should allow municipalities to have “access to systems to produce more affordable housing, for rental or ownership”wrote in a joint press release the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire and the Minister of Housing Guillaume Kasbarian. “These tools will be opened after consultation with local elected officials” which must be launched by the end of May, continued the government.
The zero-interest loan accessible for new properties
Potentially, “the 3.5 million French people living in these municipalities will be able to benefit either from new systems to access housing, or from improvements to existing systems“, indicated these ministries. In particular, 1.8 million additional people “may (…) be made eligible for the zero-interest loan to acquire new housing”specify the ministers.
Another system concerned: intermediate rental housing, whose rents are 10 to 15% below market prices thanks to public aid and which can only be produced in tight areas. The government had already indicated on Wednesday that it wanted to double the rate of production of these intermediate housing units, bringing it to 30,000 per year by 2026.