Video length: 1 min
Civil service reform: the government wants to facilitate layoffs in the sector
Civil service reform: the government wants to facilitate layoffs in the sector
(France 2)
The Ministry of Civil Service intends to facilitate layoffs in the sector, which angers the unions. The latter see it as an attack on the status of civil servant, when the ministry assures that this status will be maintained.
Until now, civil servant status seemed to rhyme with job guarantees. But in the future, this could well change. The Ministry of Civil Service is tackling what would be a taboo. He wants to toughen legislation and make layoffs easier. In 2023, out of 2.5 million state employees, 13 dismissals for professional inadequacy were recorded. In 2021, there were 222 dismissals for misconduct.
The unions are not taking off. For them, there is already a range of sanctions. They denounce an attack on the status of civil servant. “We must stop with this bashing civil servant. (…) We need public service, it is what guarantees social cohesion”, estimates Christian Grolier, secretary general of the General Federation of Force Ouvrière Civil Servants (FO). The ministry wants to be reassuring, and indicates that the status of civil servant will be maintained. The reform also plans to improve recognition based on merit.