the government wants to extend the minimum three-day rule for two weeks

These measures were reinforced on January 3, initially for three weeks.

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The Minister of Labor Elisabeth Borne announced, Wednesday, January 19, to the social partners that the government proposed to extend “for another two weeks” the rule providing for a minimum of three days of telework per week in the face of Covid-19, the ministry reported to AFP. The minister told employers’ organizations and trade unions that “the health situation, even if it seems to be heading towards a plateau, does not seem to allow an immediate lifting or relaxation of the measures in terms of telework to date”, we added from the same source.

Faced with record Covid-19 contamination, the company health protocol has provided since January 3, for three weeks, that employers set “a minimum number of three days of telework per week, for positions that allow it”. Previously, it provided for a simple “target” two to three days a week.

The government has decided to lower the administrative penalty for companies not respecting the instructions on teleworking, to 500 euros per employee, against the 1,000 euros initially planned.

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