The government wants to extend the internship of general medicine students by one year to send them to the medical deserts

Despite the aid paid to encourage practitioners to settle in medical deserts, inequalities in access to general practitioners have increased in France in recent years.

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The government wants to extend the internship of general medicine students for a year to send them to medical deserts, franceinfo learned on Friday, September 23, confirming information from the JDD. Students in general medicine will therefore have a fourth year of internship, which will make them ten years of study in total.

The Minister of Health and the Minister of Higher Education want to propose the measure as part of the social security financing bill which will be presented Monday, September 26 in the Council of Ministers. The reform wanted by Emmanuel Macron, which was to be launched at the start of the 2022 school year, will finally be included in the draft budget for 2023.

During this fourth year, the students will work outside the hospital under the supervision of an internship supervisor. The idea is to push them to do this fourth year of internship in areas without doctors. The government intends to make their lives easier by offering them accommodation on the spot in order to encourage them to stay in these areas at the end of their course.

A union of students in general medicine already denounces the measure considered an injustice. They do not want to be requisitioned under the pretext of being trained to remedy the shortage of doctors.

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