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110,000 fake pass sanitarys would be in circulation according to the Ministry of the Interior. Faced with this fraud, the government tries to encourage their holders to be vaccinated and promises leniency.
Passer the sponge against a vaccination: it is the parade that the government found to incite the holders of false pass sanitarys to get vaccinated against Covid-19. Currently, these fraudsters face three years in prison and 45,000 euros. A penalty that can be amnestied if they change their mind and get vaccinated. “We arrived at a significant number of repentants. At the start, when they bought the pass, they were afraid of the vaccine, now they are afraid of the Covid, they are afraid to go to intensive care because the numbers are falling “, reports a doctor.
A hundred people have already been arrested, but the sellers of fake pass do not get discouraged, however. The difficulty for returnees: cancel false vaccination data once entered in the files of the Health Insurance. In the event of fraud, the penalties incurred can reach up to seven years’ imprisonment and a fine of 300,000 euros.