the government wants automatic stadium bans in the event of homophobic remarks

Isabelle Rome, Minister for Equality between Women and Men, announces on franceinfo that as part of a plan against anti-LGBTQI + hatred, the government wishes to ban the authors of homophobic remarks from the stadium.

While in its annual report, the association SOS Homophobia estimates that homophobic physical attacks are on the rise for the year 2022, the Minister Delegate for Equality between Women and Men announced Monday July 10 on franceinfo that the government wants to toughen the legislation in the event of homophobic remarks, in particular in sports arenas.

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We are going to provide that when a condemnation for a homophobic act or remark is pronounced, there will in principle be the additional condemnation of the ban on the stadium“, declares Isabelle Rome, who presents Monday, July 10 the plan to fight against hatred and anti-LGBTQI + discrimination.

For the minister,the stadiums are still too hateful“Discriminatory remarks”are not demonstrations of popular jubilation” but “incitement to hatred“, she pointed out. “For the moment, the plan foresees this measure and I think it is already extremely important, then things are never frozen“, continued Isabelle Rome.

Anti-homophobia plan includes better training for law enforcement

The 2023-2026 plan is a continuation of the actions carried out in favor of equal rights under the previous five-year term, such as the ban on conversion therapy, PMA for all. It revolves around “three axes: identify well, prevent well, treat well“, explained Isabelle Rome with the aim of “do not leave an act unpunished“The plan emphasizes massive training,”reinforced“police and gendarmes.”It is necessary that the reception is completely well done in the police stations and the gendarmeries“, supported the Minister Delegate for Equality between Women and Men. “It is very important to help law enforcement properly identify the homophobic nature of an act that may have been committed or of comments that may have been made.“, she explained.

In colleges and high schools, adult referents against sexist and sexual violence

The Minister also returned to “the unprecedented effort“from the government with an envelope of 10 million”intended for the opening and strengthening of reception centers for LGBT+ people“This corresponds, in detail, to seven million euros, adding to the three million already announced last August.”There will be 10 more and we are aiming for at least two centers per region“, promised Isabelle Rome. “It is really fundamental that any young person who declares his homosexuality to his parents, for example, can find an attentive ear, support everywhere, everywhere on our territory.“, she assured.

Among the other measures of the plan: the fight against school bullying due to “anti-LGBT+ homophobia or hatred“. The measure plans to fight against school bullying of an LGBTphobic nature by setting up adult referents in colleges and high schools. “None of our young people should go to school with a lump in their stomachs, go to a lump in their stomachs in a leisure center or in a holiday center“. In this respect, the 50,000 facilitators who each year pass the Bafa (Certificate of aptitude for the functions of facilitator) will now be trained in the prevention of sexist and sexual violence announced Thursday the State Secretariat for Youth.

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