Video length: 1 min
Public broadcasting reform: the government wants a merger of all entities, the unions are opposed
Public broadcasting reform: the government wants a merger of all entities, the unions are opposed
The government wants to bring together the four entities that make up public broadcasting. A perspective rejected by the unions, who see it as a maneuver to reduce funding.
The outlines of public broadcasting reform are beginning to take shape. The government is proposing the pure and simple merger of its different entities: France Télévisions, Radio France, France Médias Monde and the INA (National Audiovisual Institute). “Tomorrow, public broadcasting will not wait for the State to pay it money. He will take it“, declared Renaissance MP Quentin Bataillon, Monday May 13.
This grouping would take the form of a holding company in 2025, before the complete merger of the different media the following year. The executive plans to create a center where the groups would work together. France has not experienced such a concentration of public media since the end of the ORTF in 1974. The unions denounce a maneuver to reduce funding for public broadcasting. Strikes are planned for May 23 and 24.