the government site to find out where to recycle your old items

The Ministry of Ecological Transition is launching a website that directs you to organizations or collection points where you can drop off your old items.

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This site is the gateway to recycling. It centralizes the collection points of 14 eco-organizations which must finance recycling. And it gives access to a map of collection points depending on the object. For example, for an old fire extinguisher, it is possible to call a Norauto center near your home to return the object. For a piece of furniture, the card directs you to the nearest Emmaus center. And for its TV watch, the addresses of several appliance stores are indicated.

According to figures from the Ministry of Ecological Transition, recycling has increased by 13% in ten years. But a simple and centralized tool was still missing, explains Vincent Coissard, deputy director at the ministry in the field of waste and the circular economy. “Citizens really want to do the right thing in sorting, he assures, whether by giving a new life or simply by recycling, but they do not necessarily know where to put their products. Knowing that the place where they must deposit the product is not necessarily the same depending on whether they have batteries, whether they have packaging or whether they have electronic equipment. ” Collection rates are sometimes insufficient in certain sectors. And for textiles, for example, we do not remake clothes with old shirts.

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