the government should go through 49.3 and keep opposition amendments


Article written by

H.Capelli, V.Astruc, C.Motte, C.Dewaegneire, M.Duguet, O.Labalette, A.Rémond, N.Sadok – France 2

France Televisions

The government should draw article 49.3 on Wednesday, October 19 to have its 2023 draft budget adopted without a vote. He undertook to take up some of the amendments already voted on by the Assembly.

After days and nights of debates in the National Assembly on France’s 2023 budget, the use of Article 49.3 could come on Wednesday, October 19. The government is already preparing the sequel. “The majority will take responsibility”, said Bruno Le Maire. Without making too many concessions, the budget must satisfy beyond the majority. It is now at Matignon and at the Élysée that the final decisions are taken. “We are going to avoid the amendments which burn the coffers or which call into question our promise of lower taxes”warned a minister.

With the Modem, the government tries to play the conciliation. He should take a measure for SMEs in exchange for abandoning the taxation of superdividends, a subject that crystallizes tensions within the majority. However, the government should keep amendments of the opposition, such as that of the Socialists concerning the extension of the VAT to 5.5 % on masks. In total, the government has set a limit: the amendments must not cost more than one billion euros to the state budget.

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