the government returns the text to the joint committee after the rejection motion voted yesterday by the deputies

The government will convene a joint committee (CMP) after the vote in the National Assembly on the motion to reject the immigration bill, government spokesperson Olivier Véran announced on Tuesday, December 12 following the Council meeting. ministers. The CMP rbringing together seven deputies and seven senators behind closed doors to try to agree on a version of the text would perhaps make it possible to arrive at a common version. Follow our live stream.

Gérald Darmanin on the ground. During a trip to a police station in Maisons-Alfort (Val-de-Marne), the Minister of the Interior assured that “oplayed against France”. “I regret that we are wasting time to protect the French. IWe need these measures and I want them to be adopted quickly”he added. Whatever path we take, I want firm measures.”assured Gérald Darmanin.

Time for decisions. The rejection motion places Elisabeth Borne and her troops facing three avenues to find a way out of the crisis: send the text back to the Senate for a new reading, submit it to a joint committee (CMP) composed of 14 deputies and senators, or simply abandon this reform in this form. The fact remains that all three options present disadvantages for the executive. The Prime Minister took place Monday evening “to establish the strategy”Matignon announced to AFP.

Jordan Bardella calls for the “dissolution” of the Assembly. The president of the National Rally called on BFMTV Tuesday to “the dissolution of the National Assembly”. For him, this rejection of the text by the deputies “is the sign of a power that is losing its footing, of a power that has lost all its authority and which no longer controls anything in our society.” He also assured that he was “ready” to be Prime Minister, in the event of victory for the RN in possible new legislative elections.

The left wants a definitive withdrawal of the text. Questioned on France Inter on Tuesday morning, Olivier Faure, first secretary of the PS, hopes that the government will have the wisdom to draw “the right conclusions and [de retirer] the text definitively”. The leader of the socialists suggests that the executive come back “perhaps next year with a text that provides solutions”.

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