The government puts “bandages on wooden legs”, denounces Aurélien Pradié

The secretary general of the Les Républicains party, invited on Friday on franceinfo, judged that there was “no longer any strategic vision” on the part of the executive on the question of purchasing power.

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The government “in fact enough to squander the economic resources of our country. There is no longer any strategic vision for our country, there is a desire to put band-aids on wooden legs”estimated Friday January 28 on franceinfo Aurélien Pradié, secretary general of the party Les Républicains and deputy for Lot, while the government is increasing its actions for the purchasing power of the French.

Prime Minister Jean Castex announced on Tuesday a 10% increase in the mileage allowance scale to deal with the explosion in fuel prices. “We distribute checks, on the issue of energy we find solutions that are short term. This government and Emmanuel Macron are not political visionaries, are not strategists for our country. They are electoral bandages. No Frenchman is fooled by this,” said Aurélien Pradié. If Valérie Pécresse is elected president, “we will have to solve these basic problems with basic solutions and not just infusions”he added.

Aurélien Pradié was also questioned about the rumors concerning the potential rallying of Gilles Platret, vice-president of the party, to Éric Zemmour. “I have no doubt that Gilles Platret will continue to defend his convictions within his own political family”he assured, while the mayor of Chalon-sur-Saône leaves room for doubt. “Being true to your convictions is something valuable. I have no respect for those who go to the soup regardless of their political leanings”he added.

At the same time, Marion Maréchal announced leaning towards Éric Zemmour without however rallying to it. Guillaume Peltier, former Les Républicains, took the plunge. Eric Zemmour “don’t scare me. This individual has never impressed me and it’s not going to start today. Family affairs on the far right, tears in Dallas between Eric Zemmour and Marine Le Pen, it’s their business.”

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