The government presents, Monday 23 January, in the Council of Ministers, its pension reform, without yielding anything on the main demands of the unions, which intend to further amplify the mobilization. Labor Minister Olivier Dussopt must then speak to the press with government spokesperson Olivier Véran, as several organizations call for local actions to be held on Monday, to coincide with the government calendar. Follow our live.
A busy schedule. The presentation of the reform takes place after the first day of strikes and demonstrations, which brought together Thursday between one and two million people in the street, and before the next, scheduled for January 31. Then the text must be examined from the 6th February to the Meeting, for a period that may not exceed 50 days and an entry into force of the project in the summer.
A bill that will not move before its arrival in the Assembly. During a press conference on Sunday, Emmanuel Macron recalled having been elected with a “mandate” to put back the age “to be 65 by 2031”. He revealed that it would only be during the parliamentary debate that “amenities” will be possible, according to information from Matignon obtained by franceinfo.
The postponement of the legal retirement age disputed. The decline from 62 to 64 years of the legal retirement age, the flagship measure of the reform, is unanimously rejected by the unions, as well as by most of the opposition and, according to polls, a large majority of French people.