the government presented its measures



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The government presented an energy sobriety plan on Thursday, October 6. It lists 15 priority measures for saving energy this winter.

Turn off the lights, lower the heating… These small gestures are recommended by the energy sobriety plan presented by the government, Thursday, October 6, to avoid waste. It will concern both individuals, the world of sport and communities. For example, stadiums will have to save 50% of their lighting before and after daytime matches, and 30% for daytime matches. In gymnasiums, the temperature will drop by 2°C, while the water in swimming pools will decrease by 1°C.

Among the other key measures, the plan wants to promote carpooling by offering a bonus of up to 100 euros for new subscribers to the platforms. In the administration buildings, the hot water will be cut off, except in the showers. The telework compensation of public officials will be increased by 15%. An initiative that the government hopes to see taken up by private companies, the objective being to reduce travel and heating in buildings.

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