the government pleads for a “tariff shield” to limit the rise in the price of train tickets

The Minister of Transport has asked the SNCF to “work” on a “tariff shield”, mainly on TGV trains, so that “the increase in tickets is lower than inflation”.

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Train ticket prices will increase “early 2023”, confirms Clément Beaune. In order to limit this increase for travellers, the Minister of Transport however mentioned, on Sunday November 6, his wish to create a “tariff shield”. On the set of the Grand Jury of RTL-Le Figaro, Clément Beaune announced that he had asked the SNCF to “work” on this site, mainly on TGV trains, so that “the rise in banknotes is lower than inflation”.

With this “tariff shield”, the minister wishes “that those who need the train on a daily basis, the most modest, the young people who use the OuiGo, be protected”. The boss of the SNCF, Jean-Pierre Farandou, had already opened the door, in mid-September, to a possible increase in the price of train tickets in the coming months.

The railway company anticipates an increase in its electricity bill of at least 1.6 billion euros in 2023. “If we directly reflected [cette hausse] on the cost of the ticket, we would have to increase the TGV tickets by 10%”had estimated Jean-Pierre Farandou, auditioned before the Senate. “Rest assured, we will not pass on 100% of the costs to customers”he had however guaranteed.

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