the government plans to tax motorway companies



Video length: 2 min.

France 2

Article written by

G. Daret, C. Dewaegeneire, T. Curtet, O. Martin, JM. Mier, B. Millaud, M. Marini – France 2

France Televisions

For its 2024 finance bill, the government wants to tax motorway companies more, which would have earned nearly 8 billion euros in five years. For their part, the companies dispute and indicate that these sums are erroneous.

It is a jackpot that stirs up lusts. Since 2018, motorway companies have pocketed a gain of 7.9 billion euros, thanks to the reduction in corporate tax. Behind the scenes, the government received the green light from the Council of State to tax them more. The Council of State considers that this taxation is legally possible under certain conditions. For the government, it is also a way of sending a political signal. Motorists, they seem to agree to make these companies contribute more.

A gain of 2 to 3 billion euros for the State

A few days ago, in front of the deputies, some of their leaders denounced more widely “false information about their economic results“. Taxing these companies more could bring in 2 to 3 billion euros by 2030.

But for specialist Arnaud Aymé, a dealer could also decide to give up certain investments. “He will keep the works that are mandatory and fixed in the contract with the State. On the other hand, other works, such as the renovation of motorway areas, the installation of charging stations, the removal of toll gates, all that could disappear“, he explains. This tax is one of the tracks for the finance bill for 2024.

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