the government plans to keep “80 to 100 amendments” out of the more than 3,400 tabled

The government plans to use 49.3 to adopt its finance bill. He chose to keep in the text a handful of amendments tabled by the oppositions.

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The government has sorted. Out of more than 3,400 amendments tabled by all parliamentary groups as part of the ongoing review of the 2023 Finance Bill (PLF), “80 to 100 amendments” will be retained in the final text, learned franceinfo, Tuesday, October 18, from several sources within the presidential majority. “This represents 700 to 800 million euros in additional public expenditure compared to the initial bill”evaluate these sources.

The Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, who denounces the “blocking” of the oppositions, plans to draw article 49.3 on Wednesday at the end of the afternoon, according to concordant sources. Under these conditions, the executive has the freedom to adopt the text it wants and to retain or not the amendments voted by the National Assembly. Result: the amendments made by the National Rally and La France insoumise were not retained. “We have set a line that excludes the possibility of including amendments brought by the extremes”explains a tenor from Macronie.

The same fate was reserved for the amendment tabled by the MoDem group, yet a political partner of the executive, on the taxation of superdividends. Or even that of the socialist group on the establishment of a tax credit of 675 million euros for residents of nursing homes.

On the other hand, the amendment carried by the communist group on the restoration of the half share of the widows of veterans or the reduction of VAT to 5.5% on surgical masks, defended by the PS, will be kept. Just like the amendment relating to the increase in the amount of restaurant tickets, carried by Les Républicains and voted against the opinion of the government.

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