The government open to the autonomy of Guadeloupe, the middle finger of Eric Zemmour, the Omicron variant … The informed of franceinfo of Saturday, November 27

Every evening, the informed discuss the news on franceinfo.

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Reading time : 1 min.

The themes :

The government says it is ready to talk about the autonomy of Guadeloupe, a good crisis exit strategy? Can the events in the West Indies have consequences for the referendum in New Caledonia in two weeks?

– Is the government releasing Nicolas Hulot this time?

– Éric Zemmour gives a middle finger to a demonstrator, is his countryside taking water?

– Can our societies get used to living with an endless pandemic?

The informed:

Nadia Henni-Moulaï, journalist and author

Raphaël Kahane, journalist at France 24 and presenter of “Le Monde dans tous ses Etats” on franceinfo TV

Valere Correard, director of the media ID, L’info durable and columnist on France Inter

Olivia coppin, crisis communication and legal communication advisor

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