While the number of energy renovations carried out as part of MaPrimeRenov’ is falling at the start of 2024, measures to simplify the system come into force on May 15. Jean-Christophe Repon, from the Confederation of Building Craftsmen, encourages the French to start with single gestures.
Reading time: 7 min

From Wednesday May 15, access to the MaPrimRenov’ assistance system will be simplified. In summary, to benefit from this boost, the concept of compulsory global renovation is over. We can make a single gesture. For example, you can just carry out insulation work without having to install a new heating system. For Jean-Christophe Repon, president of CAPEB, the Confederation of crafts and small building businesses, it is an opportunity for individuals to reconsider the question of energy renovation.
franceinfo: Data from Anah show that between January and March 2024, the number of energy renovations carried out as part of MaPrimeRénov’ fell by 43% compared to the same period in 2023. The number of energy renovation application files The aid deposited also fell by 65% between the 1st quarter of 2023 and the 1st quarter of 2024.
Jean-Christophe Repon: The government’s desire to have a so-called large-scale global renovation was quite restrictive and we saw the number of files reduce. For the first quarter of 2024, the national agency which finances the system has 5,000 files processed and 11,000 in the pipeline. So compared to the government’s initial ambition, which wanted to see 220,000 so-called large-scale renovations reach – a number revised by Christophe Béchu to 140,000 – we were far from the challenge to be taken up together.
Why it does not work ?
The government’s desire to enter into a very virtuous vision, with a single renovation, is no longer economically profitable. The result does not correspond to market reality.
“We clearly see that when we make a single gesture, a single gesture which is the start of a renovation journey, we have more individuals who ask the right question.”
Jean-Christophe Reponat franceinfo
For clarification, we are talking about a system which will be in force until December 31, 2024. So, the question arises for afterwards?
We have five months to convince the government to write a new course going from the accumulation of single actions towards a global renovation. I think we have a potential of customers and individuals who have already renovated, who have already used MaPrime Rénov’ in the past, particularly on energy change, who can potentially go further, towards overall renovation.
What we want is for as many of the craft businesses that I represent as possible, a potential 600,000 craft businesses across the country, to access this market. When we see that in order for you to benefit from MaPrimeRénov’, we must be RGE craftsmen (Recognized Guarantors of the Environment), each year we have fewer and fewer recognized companies.
This mention is a recognition granted by the public authorities, by Ademe, to professionals in the sector who are committed to a quality approach. Are there enough craftsmen today with this mention?
“We should be able to validate our competence at the end of a project, to be audited and validated, in order to obtain RGE competence based on our skills and not on a file.”
Jean-Christophe Reponat franceinfo
And then we also want simplification in the audits, in the activities and in the papers that we must provide to the auditors.
If we are considering energy renovation work, do we submit a file, contact craftsmen for quotes, and wait until we have obtained the help?
We need to find a France Rénov’ advisor to start building a renovation plan. The single gesture, it seems to me, is the right entry. I think that rather than saving and saving, we can clearly see that the French are saving a lot at the moment, everyone must plan towards this reduction in energy bills, which involves energy renovations.
“I encourage individuals to ask themselves the question of good energy, good insulation, good ventilation, good door frames, so that their home allows them to consume less, lower their energy bill and then, behind it, to add value to your home.”
Jean-Christophe Reponat franceinfo
So I encourage individuals to take this approach and I encourage the government to think with us about the right path to be able to succeed in the challenge of 2025. This path and this addition of single actions seem to me to be the best way. more legitimate to bring as many French people as possible towards energy renovation.
Watch this interview on video: