The government launches the national strategy to combat endometriosis

Better understanding, better awareness, better treatment of endometriosis: a first interministerial steering committee, chaired by Olivier Véran, looked into the strategy for combating this disease, from which up to one woman in ten suffers, on Monday February 14. in France.

Five other members of the government participated in the steering committee, with health professionals and patient representatives: Frédérique Vidal (Higher education, Research, Innovation), Élisabeth Moreno (Equality between women and men), Laurent Pietraszewski (Health at work ), Adrien Taquet (Childhood and families), Sarah El Haïry (Youth).

>> Endometriosis: “I have put in place solutions to live better on a daily basis with my pain”, explains Cindy, diagnosed after 17 years of medical wandering

Endometriosis, on which knowledge remains incomplete, is sometimes asymptomatic but can also manifest itself by heavy periods and violent pain. Lack of knowledge leads to a diagnostic delay of seven years on average.

To better understand and treat this disease, which affects more than two million French women and is the first cause of infertility, the government will deploy research resources, via a program endowed with more than 20 million euros over five years, said Olivier Véran. “France will acquire the largest database in the world, by merging territorial bases, with more than 11,000 women who will be able to be followed day by day”also announced the minister, according to which the United States has hitherto the largest base, of about 9,000 women.

To promote rapid diagnosis and access to quality care throughout France, the government is relying, among other things, on territorial care channels. In addition, the initial and continuing training of doctors and health professionals will be “revisited”said the minister.

School nurses, occupational physicians, sports physicians and HRDs will be made aware, in particular, through expert patient associations. Communication campaigns aimed at the general public are also planned. Endometriosis will finally be entered in the health record, and sought during the compulsory consultations carried out from adolescence, according to the minister.

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