The government launches its Youth Engagement Contract: what you need to know

This new system was launched on March 1 by the government to help young people aged 16 to 25.

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It was a promise Emmanuel Macron made last summer to help people under 26 fit in. It is estimated that young people called “dropouts”, those who are neither in employment nor in training, are more than a million in France. With its “Youth Engagement Contract”, the government promises very intense support: 15 to 20 hours per week of help for young people to discover a job, follow workshops to learn how to make a CV, introduce themselves, has access to training or an internship.

It is with a Pôle emploi adviser or a local mission leader that his integration process is developed. And above all, the young person can during this time receive an allowance. Its amount can go up to 500 euros per month for a maximum of 18 months depending on the situation of the person, their income, their age, their attachment or not to the tax household of their parents.

However, this contract of engagement is not a “young RSA”, insists the Elysée. Nor is it a universal income for those under 26. Emmanuel Macron does not want a device that suggests assistantship. This contract opens rights but also duties. The young person who signs this contract agrees to diligently follow his training, his courses, his internship, otherwise he risks losing part or even all of his allowance.

The aim is to tackle youth unemployment. Even if it has fallen considerably in recent months, to reach 16%, it is still high in our country. In reality, it is above all young people who left school without a diploma, with weaknesses and who cannot qualify for an apprenticeship who remain on the margins of employment. With this new contract which will replace old devices such as the youth guarantee, the government hopes to help 400,000 young people this year. It has planned an envelope of more than 2.5 billion euros.

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