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Following the revelations about the operation of Ehpad Orpea, and while Élise Lucet promises new ones, a double investigation has been launched by the government.
A double investigation, administrative and financial, has been commissioned by the government to shed light on the situation in nursing homes Orpea. It is the General Inspectorate of Social and Financial Affairs which will be responsible for looking into the information revealed in the book “The Gravediggers“, by journalist Victor Castanet. The CEO of the group was sacked and the new boss of Orpea, Philippe Charrier, was then summoned to the Ministry of Health and heard in the National Assembly.
“At all levels, we try to take care of the people entrusted to us. Any failure, whatever the reason, can only be intolerable“, he said on this occasion. The authorities have also announced that they have launched a vast operation of unannounced checks in the nursing homes of the Orpea group.