the government launches a mission to control micro-crèches


Video length: 1 min

Early childhood: the government launches a mission to control micro-crèches

Early childhood: the government launches a mission to control micro-crèches

(France 2)

The government is launching a mission to control micro-crèches with the aim of combating the risk of abuse. These establishments, which can accommodate up to 12 children aged 0 to 6, have experienced strong development in France in recent years.

Protecting little ones at all costs: this is the new objective of the government, which has launched a mission to control micro-crèches to combat the risk of abuse. These establishments, which can accommodate up to 12 children aged 0 to 6, have grown significantly in France in recent years. Problem: in 2023, a report from the General Inspectorate of Social Affairs denounced child abuse in certain nurseries.

More than 6,000 micro-crèches in 2022

Some children were reportedly forgotten on toilets, deprived of naps or, on the contrary, left crying until they fell asleep. Contacted, REMi, the main association of French micro-crèches, wishes to strengthen controls to avoid these abuses, but defends its staff. According to the National Family Allowance Fund, the number of micro-crèches has exploded in recent years. From 500 in 2010, they increased to more than 6,000 in 2022.

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