the government launches a “collective mobilization” to fight against the scourge

The government’s plan follows several reports from MPs calling for improve “support for operators in distress”.

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A first response to the unhappiness of farmers. Increased funding for the replacement of exhausted professionals, training of “sentinels” responsible for detecting discomfort … The government launched Tuesday, November 23 a “collective mobilization” to stop the suicides of farmers.

The finding is statistically established: farmers commit suicide more than the rest of the population. The government announced nearly a year ago that it would present an “operational action plan”, following the submission of a report by the majority deputy Olivier Damaisin calling for improved support for operators. in distress.

A report was also published in March 2021 by Senators Henri Cabanel (RDSE group) and Françoise Férat (Centrist Union), who felt that public policies were not up to the task of preventing suicides in the agricultural world. A government “roadmap” will be detailed Tuesday, at the Ministry of Agriculture, by the ministers of Health, Olivier Véran, and of Agriculture, Julien Denormandie, as well as by the Secretary of State in charge of Pensions and Health at work, Laurent Pietraszewski.

From “stakeholders” present will appear “volunteers engaged on a daily basis with farmers” and director Édouard Bergeon. His film In the name of the earth, on the depression of a breeder caught in the spiral of over-indebtedness, had met with great success in theaters at the end of 2019 and put this subject on the front of the stage.

“It is important to lift the taboos on the issue of ill-being and to talk about it within society”, says Minister Julien Denormandie in an interview with the newspaper La Croix published Monday evening. “We built a response based on feedback from the field. […] It is the fruit of a very broad consultation “, said his cabinet to the press.

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