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It is undoubtedly a great disappointment for many, the concerts and traditional fireworks on New Year’s Eve will not take place this year. The 5th wave of Covid and the new Omicron variant got the better of the festivities that usually allow us to celebrate the New Year.
Fireworks, an ecstatic crowd, hugs, for the second year in a row this will not be possible on the Champs-Élysées. After the curfew at 8 pm in 2021, new announcements have been made by the government for 2022. There will be a ban on festive gatherings as well as a ban on concerts and fireworks. Finally, the sale and consumption of alcohol will also be prohibited. Fear of the government? An acceleration of the epidemic after New Years Eve.
After these announcements, it is disappointment and incomprehension that prevail in the morale of Parisians. “I think we are taking too many precautions and we must leave the freedom to everyone to come and go”, testifies a passer-by on the famous avenue des Champs-Élysées. On the side of the town hall which has advanced 300,000 euros for this New Year, the decision seems unfair. In the Haut-Rhin, there will be a curfew for minors.