No postponement date has been specified at this stage.
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The government is preparing to postpone “sine die” the examination of the immigration bill which was to begin on March 28 in public session in the Senate, franceinfo learned from concordant sources, Wednesday March 22, confirming information from Public Senate.
The immigration bill provides in particular for the creation of a “short-term occupation” residence permit which will make it possible to temporarily regularize undocumented migrants who work in sectors which are struggling to recruit, under certain conditions. It must also introduce a French exam for the granting of residence permits and facilitate the expulsion of foreigners who represent “a serious threat”.
Already voted in committee
The text had already been voted on in committee in an amended version last week. It was then to be examined at first reading in the Assembly in the wake of its passage in the Senate, but after the parliamentary epilogue of the pension reform, adopted without a vote, and the current social protest, the executive decides to review its calendar.
No postponement date has been specified at this stage. According to information from franceinfo, the Ministry of the Interior plans to pass certain measures, including the simplification of the law with a view to speeding up the processing of asylum applications, via other texts.