Video length: 2 min.
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The President of the Republic had announced a reform timetable over 100 days, after the promulgation of the pension reform. There are many projects to come on the government’s table, but the unions have no intention of forgetting the question of pensions.
Since the promulgation of the pension reform, Emmanuel Macron has given himself 100 days to relaunch his five-year term. It is also a question of diverting attention from this reform, as journalist Caroline Motte explains. “We can see it, Emmanuel Macron goes on trips on consensual themes”, she explains. The government thus wishes to highlight everyday subjects.
Unions don’t want to move on
Tuesday, May 9, a plan to fight against social fraud will be unveiled. The next day, a text for security on the Internet will be presented to the Council of Ministers. Friday, the Head of State must go to Dunkirk (North) to talk about green industries. So many new chapters that the executive wants to open to close that of pensions. But close deadlines could shake up this agenda, starting with the reception of the unions at Matignon on May 16 and 17. Unions that do not intend to forget the issue of pension reform.