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The French borrow months to buy real estate. In order to remedy this situation, the government is examining avenues, in particular a relaxation of the rules for access to credit. Decryption with journalist Olivier Poncelet on the set of 19/20, Tuesday April 4.
“In France, people borrow less to buy a house or an apartment than they did before. According to the Banque de France, the total amount of new housing loans has fallen by 40% in one year“, introduces Olivier Poncelet on the 19/20 set, Tuesday April 4th. The increase in interest rates is in question. The journalist explains:This rate has doubled over 12 months: it now stands at 2.5%. A peak that we had not reached since 2015. And it should not drop anytime soon: some even speak of 4% at the turn of summer.“
Tracks examined by Bercy
In order to unblock the situation, “Bercy is considering reviewing the conditions that must be met to be loaned money“, explains Olivier Poncelet. Before continuing:The government is also considering extending the possible duration of a loan: one could borrow over 30 years instead of the maximum 25 years today.“For the time being, nothing is recorded, because the room for maneuver is reduced. “The government is giving itself until June to reflect“, concludes the journalist.