The government is accelerating in the face of the Omicron variant, Eric Zemmour lacks sponsorship … Informed of the morning of December 22

Every morning, the informed discuss on franceinfo the subjects which will make or make the news of the day.

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Around Nicolas Teillard and Jean-Rémy Baudot, to decipher the news of Wednesday, December 22: Myriam Encaoua, political journalist at LCP and franceinfo and Yannick Falt, journalist in the political service of franceinfo.

The themes :

– The government is stepping up the pace in the face of the Omicron variant. An exceptional Council of Ministers is organized Monday, December 27 to present a bill establishing the vaccine pass, ten days earlier than initially announced. The government plans to adopt the text during the first half of January. In addition, the government could soon announce new restrictions.

– Eric Zemmour describes his difficulties in obtaining his sponsorships. Like every candidate for the presidential election, he must indeed obtain 500 signatures of elected officials to be able to stand. However, in a video posted on social networks, he calls on the mayors to support him because he still needs 150 according to his team. He denounces a system made to “protect the big parties”.

The whole show:

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