the government has four days to win its showdown


Video length: 1 min.


Article written by

M. Damoy, T. Curtet, M. Diawara, N. Jauson – France 2

France Televisions

A decisive and uncertain political week will open on Monday March 13, for opponents of pension reform as well as for the government and the Republicans. Nothing seems certain yet.

The government will know Thursday, March 16 the fate of its pension reform. Facing him, opponents from the left and a referee: the right of the Republicans. The epilogue of several months of negotiations, which will have tensed the opinion. A first round was won on the evening of Saturday 12 in the Senate by the government. The text was widely adopted, with 195 votes in favor and 112 against.

The vote hunt

The next stage is the joint joint committee, with seven senators on one side and seven deputies on the other, who will have to find an agreement. The text will then have to be voted on Thursday in the Senate at 9 a.m., then in the Assembly at 3 p.m. 287 votes are needed for the law to be adopted. The majority has about 250 votes, and counts on the support of the Republicans. Only 35 votes are acquired for him on Sunday evening, according to the count of France Télévisions. Elisabeth Borne summoned her ministers to bring about a consensus.

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