“the government has a share of responsibility in this affair”, accuses the related deputy LR Pierre Cordier

The government has some responsibility in this affair.“, accuses Wednesday, October 19 on franceinfo Pierre Cordier, related deputy Les Républicains of the second district of the Ardennes, five days after the murder of little Lola, 12, in the 19th arrondissement of Paris. The main suspect, a 24-year-old Algerian years, was imprisoned following her police custody.She had received an OQTF, an Obligation to leave French territory.

>> Death of Lola in Paris: what we know about the investigation and the main suspect

It turns out that there was an OQTF for this person who is the alleged murderer, it’s not more complicated than that to recall the facts“, advances Pierre Cordier, in the face of criticism of political recovery of this drama by the right and the far right. Attacked on Tuesday during questions to the government in the Assembly, the Keeper of the Seals Eric Dupond-Moretti replied: “to use the coffin of a 12 year old girl as one uses a step, it’s a shame.”

However, for Pierre Cordier, it was “it is legitimate for opposition MPs to question the government on the irregular situation of this Algerian national“, with, specifies the chosen one, “of course a thought for his family and loved ones“.”Do not see in this approach any racism or extremism“, defends Pierre Cordier, who recalls that “the Prime Minister is the head of the French administration“.

While the far right, and some of its figures like Eric Zemmour, Jordan Bardella, will be Thursday evening at 7 p.m. in front of the town hall of the 19th arrondissement of Paris at a rally “for the victims” – but already called #ManifpourLola on twitter – Pierre Cordier affirms that for his part, he would not participate, because he will not be in the capital on Thursday.

The elected representative of the Ardennes calls for “distinguish between questions that can be asked of a minister and demonstrations in the street“, and specifies that it is “fundamental to respect the choice of the family“.”Right-wingers can go“, assures Pierre Cordier, who does not “don’t see why, as a citizen, we couldn’t go there to show our solidarity with the family: no one has a monopoly on heart“.

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