This increase will be financed 66% by the family branch of Social Security, according to a press release from the Minister of Labor and the Minister Delegate for Children.
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The government wants to encourage daycare centers to increase their staff by 150 euros net per month, announced Tuesday, March 5, Catherine Vautrin, Minister of Labor, and Sarah El Haïry, Minister Delegate for Children. This increase will be financed 66% by the family branch of Social Security.
The government thus intends “reaffirm its desire to improve the provision of early childhood care and (act) on the attractiveness of professions”it is underlined in the press release from the two ministers. “Financial support will cover 66% of increases of an average of between 100 and 150 euros net per month,” according to this document.
Around 150,000 people affected
This accompanying provision, which “will be effective” after a “vote by the Cnaf board of directors (National Family Allowance Fund)“, concerns all staff in contact with children and nursery managers, i.e. 150,000 people, according to the Ministry of Labor.
The main branch of the early childhood sector, Alisfa, has already implemented salary increases since the start of the year. Some 40 to 45% of early childhood staff already benefit from such an increase. The other branches of the sector should follow by the end of 2024, after social negotiations, and the communities, after deliberation by municipal councils, the Ministry of Families is told.