the government emphasizes vaccination and institutes gauges


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Booster dose, gauges, isolation of contact cases … On the 19/20 set, Cyril Graziani returns to the announcements made at the end of the Health Defense Council on Monday, December 27.

“Jean Castex first focused on vaccination which remains at the heart of the government strategy”, announces at first sight Cyril Graziani on the set of 19/20. A point on which the Prime Minister wanted to be reassuring in the face of the increase in contamination, he continues: the booster dose should be available three months after the second injection, instead of four. “He also announced a tonnage of 2,000 people indoors and 5,000 people outdoors for three weeks.”, lists the journalist.

Another measure that risks making noise: it will no longer be possible to consume in trains, even for very long distances. Long-awaited question: that of the isolation of contact cases: “It was ten or seventeen days, (…) they are waiting for the recommendations of the Scientific Council at the end of the week”, concludes Cyril Graziani.

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