the government does not want to “police the Christmas of the French”, no change of the rules planned



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Guest ofu 8:30 am franceinfo, the government spokesperson announced in particular that 133 cases of the Omicron variant had been sequenced in France.

After nearly two years of pandemic, “the French know more or less how to do it. I am not in this infantilization to police the Christmas of the French“, said Gabriel Attal, government spokesman, this Tuesday on franceinfo, refusing to give other health recommendations than those of the Scientific Council to the French to spend the Christmas holidays.there are no plans to change the rules“sanitary facilities in France over the next few days, despite the breakthrough of the Omicron variant.

Today, we are at a little more than 130 cases I believe, 133 cases, which have been detected.“, he announced.”We sequence a lot, we screen most of the positive cases that are detected in France, we do more than 10,000 sequencing per week, which allows us to fairly widely identify the cases on our soil and obviously to have particular vigilance. increased on conditions of isolation, contact cases“, he explains. He believes”certain“the fact that there is”probably more cases than those which are sequenced, the 133 that I mentioned“.

Gabriel Attal continues to defend the choice made “of the responsibility of the French“and the incentive “to be careful. There has already been a Christmas under Covid-19. At the time, I came on television sets, I was told you are crazy to let the French go to Christmas with their family, as they want, to move to France, the contaminations will explode at the beginning of January. We assumed this choice and there was no explosion of the contaminations at the beginning of January“2021, he recalls.


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