the government does not want to give up the “grandfather clause” for special diets

Senators Les Républicains want the abolition of special regimes to apply to current employees, contrary to what the government text provides.

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“We don’t change the rules of the game along the way.” The government wants to abolish most of the special regimes but only for future recruits, the government spokesman recalled on Wednesday March 1, while Les Républicains senators want the abolition of this “grandfather clause”. “We are eliminating the special diets (…) but we are doing it with balance, that is to say with a gradual entry into the system”said Olivier Véran on BFMTV and RMC.

The government’s plan provides for the cessation of special schemes only for new hires from 1 September 2023. Thus, the employees concerned (electricity and gas industries, RATP, Banque de France, etc.) already in post will remain affiliated to their special diet. But several voices on the right want this “grandfather clause” to be deleted. “We would like us not to wait 43 years for the abolition of these special regimes”noted the boss of LR senators, Bruno Retailleau in an interview with Parisien (article for subscribers).

Ihe Senate approved the text in committee on Tuesday, adding new amendments which include provisions in favor of mothers and the employment of seniors. The senators will meet on Thursday afternoon for the kick-off of the debates in the hemicycle.

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