Matignon believes that there remains “uncertainty” about taking into account the consequences of raising the retirement age on the evolution of compensation rules for seniors.
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A “incomplete agreement”, according to the executive. The government has decided not to validate as it stands the new unemployment insurance agreement resulting from the agreement reached between the social partners on November 10, franceinfo learned from the Prime Minister’s services on Monday, November 27. Matignon believes that there remains a “uncertainty” on taking into account the consequences of raising the retirement age on the evolution of compensation rules for seniors.
In their agreement, the social partners agreed on the objective of reducing expenditure linked to unemployment insurance for seniors by 440 million euros over the period 2024-2027. But they referred the provisions concerning the evolution of compensation – in particular the raising of the age thresholds giving entitlement to an extended duration of compensation – to the future negotiations on the employment of seniors which should start shortly. “We need a guarantee that there will be a change in the compensation rules” seniors, judge Matignon.
A joining decree to come
“It’s not a refusal, insists Elisabeth Borne’s office. We are postponing the response to give the social partners time to negotiate.” Problem: current unemployment insurance rules will end on December 31. For “avoid a breach of rights” from January 1, 2024, the government will therefore take a “joining decree”. This will extend the rules in force until June 30, 2024 at the latest.
The general secretary of the CFDT, Marylise Léon, had affirmed several times in recent days that the approval of the social partners’ agreement would be worth “government confidence in social dialogue”seeing it as a choice “policy”.