The government dissolves the tiny ultra-right group the Zouaves Paris, in particular suspected of being involved in the violence during the Zemmour meeting in Villepinte

The decree published on Wednesday accuses the group of being “at the origin of numerous and recurring violent acts” and of “propagating an openly racist discourse”, broadcasting “regularly images showing the symbols of Nazi ideology”.

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The ultra-right group the Zouaves Paris, suspected in particular of being involved in the violence committed during the meeting of Eric Zemmour in Villepinte (Seine-Saint-Denis) in December, was dissolved Wednesday January 5 in the Council of Ministers, a announced the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin.

According to the dissolution decree, this informal group, which appeared in 2017 and brings together around twenty members, is accused of being “at the origin of numerous and recurring violent acts” and of “propagate openly racist discourse”, diffusing “regularly images showing the symbols of Nazi ideology”.

Suspected of being involved in the violence that targeted SOS Racisme activists during Eric Zemmour’s electoral meeting, the group’s alleged leader, Marc de Cacqueray-Valmenier, was indicted for willful violence in mid-December.

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