A decree published on Sunday follows a law adopted this summer in Parliament, which requires certain public employers to have at least 40% women among those occupying management positions, from 2027.
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The government detailed, in a decree published on Sunday December 31, the system which will apply from 2024 to promote the accession of women to decision-making positions in the public service. This text is the direct result of a law adopted during the summer in Parliament, which requires certain public employers to have at least 40% women among people occupying management positions, from 2027. The The law also increases the rate of people of each sex to be appointed to a first senior or management position to 50%, compared to the current 40%.
Before June 30 of each year, employers covered by the law will have to publish the percentage of people of each sex appointed for the first time to a managerial position in the previous year, as well as the percentage of women among senior civil servants already in office. job. If they do not do so, the decree provides for a fixed financial penalty, called “contribution”, 45,000 euros. The amount of the penalty will only be 25,000 euros for municipalities and intermunicipalities which have between 40,000 and 80,000 inhabitants.
More jobs affected
Administrations that fail to reach 40% of first appointments must pay an additional fine of 90,000 euros per missing appointment to achieve the objective set by the government. As for public employers who have less than 40% of women in management positions, they too are exposed to an additional fine, the amount of which must be fixed by decree.
The text published in the Official Journal also extends the scope of the system to certain management jobs which were not previously subject to it. It’s about “decentralized jobs under the Ministry of Public Finance and that of National Education and Research, jobs of consuls general, assistants to the head of diplomatic mission and those of inspectors general“, it is specified in a report annexed to the decree.