The Minister of Health, Catherine Vautrin, detailed in an interview with the newspaper “Le Monde” the executive’s strategy on palliative care, planned as part of the end-of-life bill, which will be presented on Wednesday in Council of Ministers.
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The government is committed to making a financial effort of 1.1 billion euros over ten years in favor of palliative care, announced Saturday April 6 the Minister of Health, Catherine Vautrin, in an interview with the newspaper The world. This will bring the budget devoted to this supportive care to 2.7 billion in 2034 as part of the end-of-life strategy.
>> End of life: what does the assisted dying process wanted by Emmanuel Macron look like, step by step?
“We need to go further in the management of pain in its entirety and for all audiences, including children (…) This is a decisive effort desired by the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister”, has affirmed the minister. She detailed the executive’s strategy on palliative care, the counterpart to the opening of the right to “assisted dying” included in the end-of-life bill which will be presented to the Council of Ministers on Wednesday.
It promises more than 200 additional places in palliative care in 2025
“Before the adoption of assisted dying, we will have already increased the offer of palliative care because our strategy is, within 10 years, to give a strong impetus, and this from the next three years”, promises the minister, who is leading this societal reform of Emmanuel Macron’s second five-year term. She has thus promised 1,760 places in palliative care units in 2025, compared to 1,540 currently. Catherine Vautrin has already said that the government’s end-of-life strategy was based on two pillars: the opening of the right to die and the development of palliative care.
“The number of patients who will require palliative care will increase by 16% in ten years. We will increase credits by 66%. Credits [de Sécurité sociale] currently committed for palliative care are 1.6 billion euros. We anticipate 1.1 billion more in ten years. And so we add new credits each year. To be precise, this will result in new measures financed to the tune of 100 million euros on average each year over the entire decade.detailed Catherine Vautrin in her interview.