the government assumes a social model “more oriented towards activity”



Video length: 2 min

Unemployment insurance reform: the government assumes a “more activity-oriented” social model
Unemployment insurance reform: the government assumes a “more activity-oriented” social model
(France 2)

What is the government’s objective with unemployment insurance reform? Gabriel Attal first announces 3.6 billion euros in savings, and also wishes to try to accelerate the resumption of employment for seniors.

After 32 years in the same company, Alain Vincent was made redundant in 2020. Since then, this sales technician has been looking for work. “My profile was seen for three years by 364 recruiters. I had a phone call for a job, and a face-to-face interview that didn’t go through.”, he explains. Compensated for three years, he received his last allowance of 2,070 euros last September. “I live on the back of my partner. I fall into debt from month to month to her”confides Alain, before adding: “Penalizing us because we are unemployed is not what will get us back to work.”

To move towards full employment, the government will set a single threshold, at 57 years old. Below this threshold, compensation will be reduced to 15 months. The big losers will be people aged 55 and 56, who will go from 27 to 15 months of benefits. Traveling in Essonne, Sunday May 26, Gabriel Attal defended the reform and “assumes having a social model more oriented towards activity”. Another change, while you must have worked six months out of the last 24 months to be compensated today, with the new rules, it will be eight months, over a period of 20 months.

According to a representative of the CGT, these measures aim to make savings at the expense of the unemployed. The reform also provides for a senior employment bonus to support the return to work.

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