the government announces aid measures for farmers in Reunion

While the damage inflicted on farms is estimated at 47 million euros, Sébastien Lecornu announced the triggering of the Overseas Relief Fund (FSOM) for 20 municipalities in Reunion.

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Overseas Minister Sébastien Lecornu announced on Wednesday February 23 a set of measures to help farmers on Reunion Island whose farms were affected in February by two intense cyclonic episodes, Batsirai and Emnati.

“I have just validated the triggering of the FSOM, the Overseas Relief Fund, for 20 municipalities in Reunion. The other municipalities will be studied soon, which will allow us to trigger (…) all the procedures of agricultural calamities from the month of March, therefore in a particularly short time”said the Minister, in response to a question from Reunion Senator Jean-Louis Lagourgue (Independent).

The Minister said that the instruction periods will be reduced from one year to five months “which will be the maximum of what the State services can do, in connection with the chamber of agriculture of your territory to instruct the various files”.

Regarding the cash flow problems that could affect Reunionese farmers, “with Julien Denormandie (Minister of Agriculture), and Olivier Dussopt (Minister of Public Accounts), we are going to issue instructions to the various collecting bodies to show benevolence on the various deadlines for social security contributions or a certain number of appointments you tax to allow these farms to pass this course”, assured the Minister. The government will also “maintain state-guaranteed loans for Reunion farmers”, added Sébastien Lecornu.

The Reunion Chamber of Agriculture estimated the damage inflicted on farms by the intense cyclone Batsirai near the island on 3 and 4 February at 47 million euros. Cyclone Emnati hit Reunion from February 18 to 21.

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