The good burgers of Dame Jeanne

Almost a year ago, in September 2021, Charlotte Pontailler founded his restaurant, La Dame Jeanne, 62 rue Mazelle in Metz.

She serves us good burgers, accompanied, for example, by good fresh fries. The principle is to develop the short circuit as much as possible, and therefore to obtain as much as possible from Moselle producers.

She is now in our studios accompanied by the winemaker Nicolas Pierron (Envirance estate in Marieulles). Its wines are of course served in the restaurant to accompany the burgers.

Today in Circuit bleu on the flavor side, a close-up also on Ukrainian cuisine through a book Ukraine: Food and History, published by La Martinière, book by Olena Braichenko. We hear from Iryna Dmytrychyn who translated the book into French.

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