The Golden Globes, criticized and deserted, will now be managed by a for-profit company

The management association of the Golden Globes, Hollywood awards in disgrace shunned by the world of American cinema, has announced that it has chosen to transfer its organization to a for-profit company.

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France Televisions

Writing Culture


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Members of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA), made up of journalists writing for publications abroad and accused of corruption, racism and amateurism, voted on Thursday to pass the torch to American billionaire Todd Boehly, already director of the interim association.

Usually run by all the gratin of the entertainment industry, the Golden Globes, which open the season of film awards, have been deserted this year by Hollywood stars, who criticize their lack of diversity and transparency. The NBC television channel had even given up broadcasting the ceremony, traditionally the second most followed after the Oscars.

“We made a decisive decision to move forward, transform and adapt in the face of increasing competition between (film) awards ceremonies and in the journalism market,” HFPA president Helen Hoehne said in a statement.

The latter will remain a non-profit organization, while a company will be created to manage the Golden Globes. At its head, Todd Boehly, an American businessman. He owns major stakes in British soccer club Chelsea and the Los Angeles Dodgers baseball team.

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