The LFP Disciplinary Committee ruled on Monday, giving victory to Rodez on green carpet. Bordeaux will therefore remain in Ligue 2 next season.
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Several teams had been suspended since the stoppage of the match of the 38th day between Bordeaux and Rodez, pronounced on June 2 after the attack by a Girondin supporter of an RAF player. The Disciplinary Committee of the Professional Football League (LFP) announced via a press release on Monday June 12 that the match would not be replayed. “The Commission finds the intrusion of a supporter to deliberately physically harm a player [le Ruthénois Lucas Buades] who had just scored a goal”can we read.
The match was therefore lost to the Girondins, resulting in the formalization of the rise of FC Metz in Ligue 1, with which the club with the scapular was in the fight. But also the descent into National 1 of FC Annecy, who wanted the meeting to be replayed to hope to take the place of first non-relegation in Rodez. The Bordelais also suffered the withdrawal of a firm point for the 2023-2024 season and the closure for four matches, including two closed, of the South stand of the Matmut Atlantique.
The Girondins will seize the CNOSF
In response, the Girondin club denounced a decision “as incomprehensible as it is disproportionate” and announced that it wanted to seize the French National Olympic and Sports Committee (CNOSF) “as soon as possible”. If this appeal is successful, the LFP’s sentence could be reviewed. Metz and Annecy have so far not reacted.
For their part, the Ruthenians took note of the decision but also wanted to recall that “this episode where the club was an actor in spite of itself strongly marked the players”. “The flood of hate messages and death threats received for more than a week against the club and Lucas Buades must no longer be allowed at this day”, wrote the RAF, which also reserves “the right to take all legal action against the various threats and defamation of which [les membres du club] have been the subject.