The girlfriend of the former Maître de midi, Paul El Kharrat, decided to dump him when he wanted to have “babies”!

Over the years, Paul El Kharrat has become a fixture in the media. The main interested party made himself known above all by participating in Jean-Luc Reichmann’s successful program of “12 noon shots” on TF1. Originally from Grenoble, the young man quickly intrigued viewers with his impressive knowledge.

Having Asperger’s syndrome, however, he managed to adapt to the countless filming of the show. In the process, Paul El Kharrat continued with the program called “Combat of the masters” to the delight of his admirers. On the air, he is then nicknamed “Sheriff”, or even “wikipaul” by the companion of Nathalie Lecoultre. Subsequently, the main interested party was able to bounce back brilliantly!

The latter has joined the merry band of “Big heads” on RTL with Laurent Ruquier. At the same time, Paul El Kharrat also distinguished himself in the literary field. Thursday January 26, 2023, the ex-protégé of Jean-Luc Reichmann gave an exclusive interview to Jordan de Luxe. Unvarnished, the ex-star of “12 noon shots” traced all of its news. On the radio, the young author quickly found his marks.

“It was hard to understand…”

As for his salary, Paul El Kharrat considers himself rather well off: “Les Grosses Têtes is 900 and 1000 euros for those who are well established!”, he said. “I have 330 euros per show, I don’t hide it. is like pocket money […]”. According to him, some of his colleagues earn much more than him. Like Stéphane Plaza: “He knows how untrue that is.”

During the interview, the former history student also opened up about his love life: “I was going out with a lady”, asserted the latter. And obviously, his former sweetheart constantly occupied his thoughts: “I was obsessed with her, I wanted to see her, she preferred that we stop seeing each other”. And their breakup was hard to take for Paul El Kharrat: “It was difficult to understand, I don’t forget it lasted for a month”. In any case, the star would like to taste the joys of fatherhood one day: “I would like to have kids! I love babies”.


to see also: Paul El Kharrat proudly appears with the ex of Benjamin Castaldi on Instagram!

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