The gift of your choice

Unsurprisingly, health tops the list of gifts to give to our loved ones. Here is an overview of the suggestions of our readers to our call for all on the gift of your choice.

A psychiatrist for my beloved son

A caring psychiatrist who would really listen to my schizophrenic son and follow him seriously until his medication tapers off and he focuses on his real needs… which would bring him out of his torpor that makes him sleep 16-18 hours a day …

Francoise Bourduas

A concert for Christmas

What I would like as a gift for the Holidays would be the possibility of bringing my whole family to a Christmas concert with popular and traditional music at the Maison symphonique. We are nine people and we would occupy… the first row! Or a lodge. The room would be decorated with poinsettias galore. And to avoid traffic annoyances and parking problems (we live on the South Shore), a limousine would drive us all and bring us back! Dreaming is allowed, right?

Suzanne Decarie Gosselin, Beloeil

See us more often

My mother suffers from cognitive deficits which take up a lot of space in her life. His eyesight and hearing ability are also declining. She is bored in her residence where she forgets the memory of our visit as soon as we leave. She relates to the photos on the personalized calendars given to her every Christmas. We, the children and grandchildren, would like to offer her an iPad so that she can talk to us and see us as often as possible.

Suzanne and Yvon Daigneault

The healing

I would like to offer a complete cure to my brother-in-law Sylvain who was just diagnosed with bladder cancer this very morning at the age of 62.

Pierre Savard

food for all

Thanks to magic, I would have food delivered to all the countries where people are suffering from malnutrition. It is inconceivable that children and adults have nothing to eat when the richest are drowning in billions and millions. And if it’s possible to have other wishes, I’ll end all wars and find a cure for cancer.

Martine Paqui

courage and hope

To my granddaughter, I offer you a gift box of courage and hope so that you can eat freely out of the dangers due to the multiple food allergies that are currently affecting you. The courage to continue your daily desensitization program at the Montreal Children’s Hospital. I know this is asking a lot of you and that it will take you up to three years for each allergy. I am proud of your participation in the research program at the Montreal Children’s Hospital and, you know what…every day, in your daily period, I think of you and the success it will bring you. Merry Christmas, my dear!

Jean Lefebvre, your grandpa

See your grandchildren grow up

I would like to offer my spouse the possibility of undergoing an operation for the installation of endobronchial valves so that he can better enjoy life and have the hope of seeing our grandchildren grow up.

Josee Beaudoin

Needs in our neighborhood

Of course, I would like war and social injustices to disappear but… for my part, the greatest gift that can be given is one given anonymously, through a local community organization, which ensures that no child will remain empty-handed at Christmas. There is no greater happiness than to offer to our little sponsored and to imagine his joy at the time of unpacking! The Christmas mothers do an extraordinary job in this regard. It is not very difficult to discover the needs in our neighborhood…

Liette Lagace

An intact memory

I would give my mother who suffers from Alzheimer’s a mindful Christmas day! I would give her an intact memory so that she can benefit from the presence of all the members of the family and the stories of each one, present and past. I would deploy the necessary for her to cook with pleasure the marvelous apple pie of which she was so proud and which she made with her eyes closed, before. And… I would push my “luck” by inviting my father, who died eight years ago.

Johanne Candle

A new start

I would offer a new beginning to a young itinerant! Psychological help, a nice little apartment, a job that would stimulate him, a support network, education and love!

Maud Simoneau

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