“The gesture that the President of the Republic must make is to go to Kiev,” says Yannick Jadot

“It has now been four and a half years since the President of the Republic has been reaching out to Vladimir Putin and slapping Europe” denounced Yannick Jadot, environmental candidate for the presidential election, Friday, January 28 on franceinfo, concerning the escalation of tensions between Russia and Ukraine supported by its Western allies. “It is not the balance of power that we must build with Vladimir Putin”he continued. “He received it at Versailles, he received it at Brégançon, it created immense trouble and divided Europeans in the relationship with Russia, so what I am asking the President of the Republic is to show our unity and support for Ukraine”said Yannick Jadot.

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According to him, Emmanuel Macron, who currently chairs the Council of the European Union, must “organize a summit in Kiev, Ukraine, with all European leaders, to show that Europe is united in the defense of territorial integrity and democracy in Ukraine”. Yannick Jadot thus denounced the fact that the president “never been to Kyiv in 5 years”despite the fact that the Ukrainian president has been received at the Élysée on several occasions. “The gesture that the President of the Republic must make today is to go to Kiev with other European leaders to say, democracy, we support it, the territorial integrity of Ukraine, we support”he repeated.

Furthermore, the environmental candidate felt that it was necessary “maintain the threats”, “punish the corrupt Russian oligarchy” and especially, “stop the famous gas pipeline, North Stream 2, which must bypass Ukraine and which weakens Ukraine in its geopolitical situation”. “And then, structurally, the best response to this blackmail from Russia is to invest massively in energy savings”, added Yannick Jadot.

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For him, Russia’s argument, which consists in justifying its military deployment on the border with Ukraine in response to the threat of NATO enlargement towards the East, is the argument “bullshit [baratin] of all the pro-Russians in France”. “That’s what Éric Zemmour relays, that’s what Marine Le Pen relays, that’s what Jean-Luc Mélenchon relays”added the environmental candidate, recalling that there was “no request from Ukraine to join NATO”, “no request from Ukraine to join the European Union”. “There is a particular partnership developed with the European Union and what Ukraine is asking for is that we protect their democracy and their security,” he specified.

“You have 100,000 Russian soldiers on the Ukrainian border and when you hear the French politicians, you get the impression that they are in green class, that there is no risk, no. It’s Russia who threatens Ukraine is the dictator Vladimir Putin, who so fascinates the French political class, who threatens democracy in Ukraine”he insisted.

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