the German far-right party, the AfD, embarrasses the RN


Video length: 2 min

“Remigration” plan: the German far-right party, the AfD, embarrasses the RN

“Remigration” plan: the German far-right party, the AfD, embarrasses the RN – (france info)

The leader of the National Rally deputies, Marine Le Pen, has distanced herself from her German ally, the AfD, caught in the turmoil due to a “remigration” project. The two parties are due to meet on Tuesday February 6.

A meeting causing an uproar. In mid-January, members of Germany’s far-right party, the AfD, met in a hotel to discuss a plan for large-scale expulsions targeting foreigners and Germans of foreign origin. Embarrassed by this affair, the leader of the deputies of the National Rally (RN), Marine Le Pen had distanced herself from her ally, who belongs to the same group in the European Parliament.

European elections in sight

This project, however, received the support of the Reconquest party. “I agree with that, since it was the project of remigrationnot worn by Éric Zemmour during the presidential elections”, explained Marion Maréchal. In Italy, the party of the President of the Council, Giorgia Meloni also has a program that differs slightly from the RN. However, the two groups are allied in Strasbourg. The RN is due to meet the AfD on Tuesday February 6, with the European elections in perspective next June.

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