Who will have the most beautiful geraniums this summer? It’s you, thanks to the advice of Roland Motte, our gardener.
The ivy geranium or zonal geranium adorns the balconies in summer. Its flowers of various colors, -white, red, pink, purple, variegated…-, bloom throughout the summer and just follow the instructions of Roland Motte, the gardener of France Bleu Besançon and France Bleu Lorraine , so that they are the most beautiful in the neighborhood!
To have a beautiful balcony in summer, you need geraniums, pots, potting soil, a watering can. Geranium is a sun plant. The more sun it is, the more flowers it will produce. Conversely, less sun, fewer flowers. In any case, the afternoon sun is mandatory if you want to wow your world.
– Roland Motte
The choice of container is important. The more space your plant has to develop its roots, the better off it is. And the planting soil is also essential because the plant is very greedy. She’s a voracious. Prepare the special geranium fertilizer, it will take a lot. And water, lots of water, it’s a drink without thirst. You can try infusion (drip), but that’s average. Mulching works much better, but you still have to water.
In short, sun, water and lots of food, you will have the most beautiful geraniums!
Find Roland Motte on France Bleu Lorraine and France Bleu Besançon and on his website www.rolandmotte.fr.