the general public ticket office open for the arrival of PSG in Toulouse

Last week, the Toulouse club hinted that it would only open the “general public” ticket office if there are places left for the Toulouse FC – Paris Saint-Germain match, Wednesday August 31 at 9 p.m. at the Stadium.

Between 140 and 210 euros

There are therefore some left, but only at the highest rates, on the side or on the balconies. You have to pay between 140 and 210 euros.

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The reception of PSG, for the 5th day of Ligue 1, will undoubtedly be an event in the pink city, the TFC having been deprived of the elite for two seasons.

Like Reims, the Violets want to hunt in their stadium for “footix”, these local spectators who come to encourage the opponent during big posters such as against PSG or Olympique de Marseille, a club much admired in the Southwest. . The arrival of OM at the Stadium is scheduled for February 2023.

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